Wendy Avenue crossing (opened in August 2021)

Trail supporters

Stakeholders who contributed towards reinstating the Wendy Avenue crossing

Thank you to the stakeholders who joined us for the opening, your input into this project has been absolutely invaluable.

The crossing is not just beneficial to FatTracks members, but contributes towards the overall environmental maintenance of the Baakens Valley, and all those who make use of it.

We’ve learned some valuable lessons over the years as we have reinstated the crossings in the Valley. Our low-slung design allows for high water to flow over the top of the bridge easily, while large pipes ensure indigenous river species can freely move up and downstream.

We hope that the FatTracks Family enjoys the new crossing along with the other incredible trails in the Valley.

We also thank our long-term sponsors, Continental Tyre SA for their continued support of the club, and our members whose fees go towards the regular trail maintenance. The #FatTracksFamily gets things done!

Please tag us in your pics and experiences!


  • Ivor Smith Electrical (The ISE Group)
  • SupaCrush
  • Cape Courts & Civils
  • Marx Pipes

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